In summary:
WIPO is expanding its efforts to raise awareness and make IP protection globally more accessible via a new initiative “WIPO for Creators”. This initiative is a public-private partnership aimed at developing content for creators, initially from the music industry, but with a view to expanding to all creative industries, which would provide key information to support their artistic efforts and protect their creations. The UKIPO has become the first Member State governmental body to join the initiative. As the WIPO for Creators network grows, it will develop the “Creators Platform” - an online rights awareness platform - with the aim of supporting creators worldwide across the many different creative fields.
WIPO for Creators is an open initiative which offers multiple different forms of participation for interested parties. For more information:
Marks & Clerk supports individuals and businesses in the creative industries sector. For more information about how we can assist creators, please view our dedicated Entertainment & Creative Industries webpage
And in more detail:
In 2020 the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) launched a new public-private partnership called WIPO for Creators in conjunction with the Swedish-based Music Rights Awareness Foundation. This partnership is aimed at bringing together creators, governments, and various stakeholders in order to raise awareness and increase knowledge of how creators (i.e. artists and authors) can rely on the copyright system to protect, manage, and disseminate their works regardless of their geographical, cultural, or economic conditions.
As stated by WIPO,
“The Creators Platform will provide a creator-driven service in the form of high-quality interactive “microlearning” videos, featuring high-profile creators from every creative industry, continuously updated with relevant information.” These videos will be complemented with targeted and context specific content covering all creative industry sectors and regional market realities.
“The Creators Platform will initially target creators in the music industry and will in a later step be expanded as a vehicle to for educational interactions with creators in all industries, including literature, audiovisual creation and the dramatic and visual arts.”
On 29th of October 2021, it was announced that the Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom (UKIPO) had joined the WIPO for Creators initiative as a partner, being the first Member State body to support the platform.
The CEO of UKIPO, Tim Moss has stated that “Digital technology has revolutionized the way in which people access music, and has also transformed how artists earn money from music. IP, especially copyright and brands, provides creators with the tools to allow them to make money and protect their creativity.” But he also noted that “[…] creators need access to the right information to help them make informed decisions. That is why the UK is delighted to play an active role in supporting the WIPO for Creators initiative. This exciting project aims to provide artists and others involved in the creative process globally with access to key information which will support them in their careers. We invite other Member States to consider joining this important and timely initiative”
The creative industries are by their nature a source of a significant volume of intellectual property. Effective protection and management of intellectual property rights can be challenging in a fast-moving and interconnected environment and Marks & Clerk welcomes the new WIPO for Creators initiative which will raise awareness among creators. Marks & Clerk has long advised individuals and businesses alike across the spectrum of creative industries. For more information about how we can assist creators in protecting their IP, please view our dedicated Entertainment & Creative Industries webpage.